What kind of donations are needed?
When you make a donation to Brown County Habitat your gift makes a long-term impact right here in our local community. With the help of volunteer labor and tax-deductible gifts of money and materials, Habitat houses are sold to future homeowners at no profit and financed with affordable loans. As Habitat homeowners pay back their mortgages, we are able to offer future families the opportunity for home ownership. We have a proven history of wise building investments, equipping families for homeownership, and maintaining strong financial viability.
Monetary Donations
Donations of any amount may be sent by United States Mail to our office or using the provided button.
House Sponsorships
Building a home is a big investment, especially as the costs of land and construction continue to rise. Sponsors are key to Habitat’s success. Sponsors can range from corporations and local businesses to faith communities, community groups or individuals. Future Habitat home-buyers benefit from the financial support of house sponsorships, and you, your congregation or your organization will be enriched by the experience of directly supporting a hard working family in the construction of their new home. We offer many different sponsorship options and we are happy to work with you to customize your experience.
Please contact our board president, Andrea Replogle at andrea@browncountyhabitat.org or call the Brown County Habitat office.